ZILDJIAN Inspiration 4 Pack with FREE 18" Crash!
ZILDJIAN A20300 Inspiration 4 PackThe Inspiration Pack was developed expressly for players of Gospel & Parise and Worship music. The pack`s unique setup consists of a range of bright, dark, quick, and fast cymbals made from the legendary Zildjian bronze alloy. The Inspiration Pack is also the only way to get Zildjian`s brand-new 13" A Zildjian Pocket HiHats. The thin top and heavy bottom combination are extensivley hammered, unlathed, and in a brilliant finish to give them a quick, bright, and explosive sound that decays quickly. Included inside: * 13" A Zildjian Pocket HiHats * 12" A Zildjian Splash * 16" A Custom Fast Crash * 20" K Custom Ride * FREE 18" A Custom Fast Crash!!